In this clip, Dr. Andrew Huberman describes how deliberate cold exposure enhances stress tolerance and how this impacts dopamine release.
Dr. Satchin Panda discusses the controversy surrounding consumption of black coffee or tea while practicing time-restricted eating.
In this clip, Dr. Jed Fahey discusses the beneficial health effects of moringa.
In this clip, Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses DHA bioavailability and describes her personal DHA regimen, which includes dietary and supplemental sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
In this clip, Dr. Rhonda Patrick describes the advantages and disadvantages of the various dietary and supplemental sources of sulforaphane.
In this clip, Dr. Peter Attia addresses the ideal targets for hemoglobin A1C levels, a key indicator of long-term blood glucose.
Dr. Valter Longo explains the benefits of a prolonged fast.
In this clip, Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses the longevity benefits of improving cardiovascular fitness with vigorous exercise.
In this clip, Dr. Rhonda Patrick outlines her sauna routine, including temperature, duration, and hydration.
In this clip, Dr. Luc van Loon discusses animal vs. plant proteins for muscle growth and the benefits of whey supplements.
In this clip, Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses recommended foods for bulking in a calorie surplus and her preferred protein powders.
In this clip, sulforaphane expert Dr. Jed Fahey describes some of the problems that complicate determining the optimal source and dose of sulforaphane.
In this clip, Dr. Luc van Loon discusses protein timing and its effects on muscle protein synthesis.
In this Q&A clip, Rhonda discusses Quercetin, the impact of it's antiviral activity, and it's role as a zinc ionophore.