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Fatigue is a common condition characterized by persistent tiredness or exhaustion that can affect daily activities. Inflammation is critical in fatigue because it disrupts normal cellular function and energy production. A recent review and meta-analysis found that astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory carotenoid compound, reduces fatigue.

Researchers analyzed the findings of studies investigating the effects of astaxanthin supplementation on fatigue, cognition, and exercise efficiency. The analysis included 11 randomized controlled trials involving 346 healthy participants. Four of the studies included amateur or professional athletes.

The researchers found that supplementing with astaxanthin for eight to 12 weeks improved cognition slightly but did not improve reaction time. However, when combined with exercise, astaxanthin enhanced fat oxidation and improved physical performance. Further analysis revealed that the benefits of astaxanthin were more pronounced with aerobic exercise but were dose-dependent, with doses of 20 milligrams or more and supplementation for longer than 12 weeks providing the greatest benefit.

These findings suggest that astaxanthin reduces fatigue and improves aspects of performance. Astaxanthin is widely available as a dietary supplement but is also present in salmon and salmon roe. Learn more about salmon roe in our overview article.

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