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Cognitive decline—especially among older adults with dementia—can profoundly affect a person’s quality of life and increase their dependency on others. Evidence suggests that environmental exposures influence the risk of dementia. A recent study found that certain household chemicals, widely used for personal hygiene, cleaning, and disinfecting, may pose an unexpected risk for cognitive decline** in older adults.

Researchers analyzed data from a large cohort study of adults over 65. They evaluated how frequently the participants used eight common household chemicals, including insecticides, air fresheners, and disinfectants, and then examined whether these products were linked to declines in cognitive function.

They found that frequent use of anti-caries agents raised the likelihood of developing cognitive decline by 68%, while frequent use of air fresheners increased it by 148%, and disinfectants raised it by 40%. In general, more frequent chemical use was linked with worsening cognitive function.

Anti-caries agents prevent or reduce the development of dental caries, also known as cavities or tooth decay. Common anti-caries agents include fluoride mouth rinses, toothpaste formulations, and dental varnishes or sealants. Air fresheners contain various indoor pollutants, including phthalates and benzene. When these substances react with ozone, they create harmful byproducts that can harm the central nervous system. Sulforaphane, a bioactive compound derived from broccoli, boosts the excretion of pollutants like benzene. Learn more in this clip featuring Dr. Jed Fahey.

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