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Depression is a major public health concern, affecting more than 322 million people worldwide. A hallmark of depression involves reduced activity in specific brain areas and heightened activity in others, impairing brain connectivity. A recent study found that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)—a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain—improved brain connectivity in people with treatment-resistant depression.

The study involved 75 participants with treatment-resistant depression who underwent 20 treatment sessions over five consecutive days. Researchers randomly assigned them to three groups: a dual-target group receiving TMS to both sides of the brain, a single-target group, and a control group that received a sham treatment. Each session lasted 22 minutes, with functional magnetic resonance imaging conducted before and after treatment to assess changes in brain activity.

They found that 47.8% of patients in the dual-target group responded favorably to treatment, compared to 18.2% in the single-target group and just 4.3% in the sham group. The active treatment demonstrated greater effectiveness at the four-week follow-up than the sham. Notably, many participants exhibited low baseline brain connectivity, and higher connectivity predicted better outcomes.

These findings suggest that dual-target TMS promotes rapid and clinically significant improvements for people with treatment-resistant depression. Lifestyle behaviors, including sauna use and exercise, can help people with treatment-resistant depression, too. Learn more about the role of lifestyle in managing depression in our overview article.

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