Comments by HeartyVegan
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    Wow this is crazy, I had no idea fungi could play a roll in this.

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        Ouch, this is one of the last things you would want after trying to kick the pills. Need to show this to my Step Dad.

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          The body’s opioid system is not something to mess with if you can at all help it…

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          It’s so funny when you compare Alcohol to cannabis, one if far more harmful yet is much more available and legal.

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              Its fun going back and seeing where each of our bodies functions originated back in our biological history. It also gives me a better understanding of the big picture. :)

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              @HeartyVegan Interestingly many essential oils have broad-spectrum anti-microbial activity as so garlic.

              1. 1

                The girlfriend is an herbalist that already uses a lot of the natural edibles we gather when shes filling under the weather, her school has a big section on promoting healing and little known Anti-microbial plants beyond the basic few we commonly know. Its fascinating stuff and there is a lot of good science that is happening in their community. A lot of snake oil in some schools but hers seems legit. :)

                She reeks of garlic when shes sick, lol.

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                  I’ve done a bit of research on the anti-microbial and anti-viral activities of different essential oils and there are legit mechanisms, for sure!

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                Ive been fascinated with neuroglia since you responded, its crazy they outnumber neurons five to ten times and we just recently discovered that have anything to do with neurotransmission. I should look in to boosting certain levels of them for fighting off pathogens and regulate some physiological processes . :)

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                  They also play a role in getting rid of crap in our brains when we sleep!