Comments by Krudup
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    Great, thanks! Two counter-point thoughts to consider-

    1) We are starting to understand the ROS are not just terrible bad enemies of life, but like everything else, integral to our system. The ROS seem to play a role as signalers. A balance between ROS and anti-oxidant levels may promote better health than simply hammering our bodies with anti-oxidants with no regard for the value of ROS in the dynamic? Rhonda did address this to a degree here with the discussion on exercise and blunting of beneficial effects and the linked research.

    2) How do we reconcile historical dietary levels of C in the course of evolution with the idea of forcing huge over-supplies of it on our systems? Again, are we so sure that pushing for higher than an ancestral diet would provide is better for us on a daily basis?

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      “are we so sure that pushing for higher than an ancestral diet would provide is better for us on a daily basis?” Great question. Would the maximum natural blood plasma level from oral intake be the optimal self-leveling amount?

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      I’m a long time Pauling fan, less so post Rath, however. I think whole C with all the co-factors is optimal. I think ascorbic acid is kind of like the molecular shell. If I’m sick (very rare) I’ll make liposomal C. Also, I assume that topsoil was more nutrient dense than it often is now, making fruit less nutrient potent.