Premium Members Podcast

What is an aliquot? An aliquot is a sample taken from a larger whole, that captures the essence of the entirety. The Aliquots are short, members-only podcasts focused on single topics, curated and remixed from the best of FoundMyFitness.

New episodes several times per month
Most recent episode published on 07 Jan

Featured Episodes

  • Dr. Dale Bredesen

    Roughly one-quarter of people living in the US carry a genetic variant of the apolipoprotein E gene, called APOE4, the most important genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Many lifestyle behaviors can mitigate risk, especially sleep hygiene, which provides an opportunity to rid the brain of toxic metabolic byproducts that can contribute to Alzheimer's disease risk. These Aliquot segments feature Dr. Dale Bredesen, a professor of neurology, and Dr. Matthew Walker, a professor of neuroscience and psychology.

  • Dr. Charles Raison

    Various ancient practices, including meditation, hot yoga, and sauna, may aid in the treatment of depression. Whether the medical community will embrace these lifestyle interventions remains to be seen. Available pharmaceutical treatments have their advantages and disadvantages, and while they are helpful for a subset of depressed people, a quarter of patients taking antidepressants may get worse. In this clip, Dr. Charles Raison discusses his belief that ancient practices encourage resilience and stave off depression.

  • Dr. Rhonda Patrick

    This collection of clips covers some of the many health benefits associated with the use of traditional Finnish saunas and other forms of whole-body hyperthermia such as infrared sauna bathing and hot baths. The effects of heat exposure are broad and include improved immunity, better cardiovascular health, improved mood, and extended healthspan, the number of years we live in good health. Rhonda shares her personal sauna bathing routine and briefly describes special considerations for children and other special groups.

  • Dr. Rhonda Patrick

    This episode of the aliquot features a collection of clips covering a range of topics related to fasting - both intermittent and prolonged. Specific topics include autophagy, the process of recycling dysfunctional cells that is induced by fasting and fasting-mimicking drugs such as resveratrol and spermidine. Rhonda discusses the effects of fasting on Parkinson's disease and which groups of people should not fast. Finally, she shares practical information about restricting carbohydrates, using caffeine, and when and how to break the fast.

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What our members are saying

“Great content and presented in a beautiful way. I appreciate that Dr. Patrick doesn’t appear to have any bias or hidden agenda. She just presents the best and latest data on different subjects and makes it easy to understand.”
by N.J.Leatherman
– via iTunes
“I’ve listened to Dr. Rhonda Patrick and followed her from a couple different and very reliable channels (Rogan & Tim Ferriss) and I am always blown away by the info she brings to the conversation...there’s a lot of it so be prepared to have to write stuff down but it’s useful, relevant and most importantly on a layman’s level.”
by Chris Facey
– via iTunes
“It’s amazing to get nutrition and fitness information from an actual scientist who has done the critical research! I’m so glad to have found this.”
by JeffDammot
– via iTunes