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From the article:

A decrease in short-term risk of aortic aneurysm (dilatation of the aorta, the main artery in the body, with associated symptoms including pain, and a risk for lethal rupture) and of aortic dissection (a tear in the most intimate layer of the artery wall that can block the flow of blood to the heart or abdominal organs) has been noted for patients with T2DM in previous studies.


In total, there were 2,878 cases of AA in patients with T2DM and 16,740 in the control group; and 200 cases of AD in the T2D group versus 2,019 in the control. The results indicate that individuals with T2DM have a 28% lower risk of AA and a 47% lower risk of AD compared to the control group. Sub-analyses for AA also indicated a 44% lower risk for thoracic AA, a 25 % risk reduction for abdominal AA, a 21 % lower risk for unspecified AA and unaltered risk reduction for thoraco-abdominal AA among individuals with T2DM compared to control subjects. Due to few cases of AD, it was not possible to perform the same sub-analysis for AD.


The authors conclude: “Among patients with T2DM there were significantly decreased risks of AA and AD as well as decreased risk of mortality after an event of AA.” They also suggest that “glycated (sugar) cross-links, created by various mechanisms, in aortic tissue among T2DM patients may play a protective role in progression of aortic disease. More studies are needed to see exactly what is taking place here.”

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