Comments by avshop66
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    Great podcast! I’m keen to try a 5 day water fast. Can you confirm if it’s ok to take magnesium supplements? Are there any other supplements than can be consumed on a strict water fast?

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      I’ve done a 5 day fast with broth and add a little salt. Once you get in ketosis you’ll start to lose a little sodium. You can take a multivitamin if it doesn’t make you nauseous on an empty stomach, but you don’t have to take anything. Especially, if you are in relative good health prior to starting the fast. I place my patients on a broth diet often with great results. Dr. Patrick, can correct me if I am wrong.

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        Thanks! I will take magnesium / salt water, but may skip the broth and multivitamins as they will both technically ‘break’ the fast (?).