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People who undergo radiation therapy for head and neck cancers often experience oral mucositis – inflammation and ulceration of the mouth and throat that makes speaking, chewing, and swallowing difficult. They also demonstrate alterations in the population of the microbes that typically inhabit the mouth – a condition called dysbiosis. However, a recent study found that people who took omega-3 fatty acids before receiving radiation therapy experienced fewer symptoms of oral mucositis than those receiving conventional therapy.

The study involved 34 patients with head and neck cancer who were about to undergo radiation therapy. Half of the participants received conventional preventive treatment (topical antifungal and anti-inflammatory mouthwash), and the other half received a topical omega-3 gel. Researchers evaluated the patients' symptoms, pain, and quality of life at baseline, three, and six weeks after treatment and assessed changes in their oral microbiomes.

They found that those who used the topical omega-3 gel exhibited fewer symptoms and had less pain at the six-week point than those who received the conventional treatment. They also had less microbial dysbiosis.

These findings suggest that omega-3s reduce the symptoms associated with oral mucositis. These effects may be due to omega-3 fatty acids' potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and wound-healing properties. Learn more about omega-3s in our comprehensive overview article.

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