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Although exercise is the primary stimulus for maintaining muscle mass and strength, nutritional support is essential, too, especially in the form of dietary protein. However, most people’s protein intake is skewed toward later in the day, with little to no protein at breakfast. A recent review found that older adults with higher protein intake at breakfast had greater muscle mass.

Researchers reviewed the findings of 15 studies examining associations between protein intake and muscle mass. The various studies included cross-sectional, case-control, cohort, and randomized controlled trials involving primarily older males and females. However, one study included middle-aged females, and one included young males.

The researchers found that consuming a high-protein breakfast (ranging between 0.27 and 0.53 grams per kilogram bodyweight) increased muscle mass, particularly in older adults. While some of the studies' findings suggested that a high-protein breakfast enhanced muscle strength, the evidence was inconsistent across all studies.

These findings suggest that increasing protein intake at breakfast supports muscle mass maintenance. The investigators posited that increasing protein intake during breakfast could be a beneficial strategy for supporting muscle health for active adults or those in resistance training. However, individual results may vary, indicating the need for more personalized dietary recommendations. Learn more about the role of dietary protein in building and maintaining muscle in this episode featuring Dr. Stuart Phillips.

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