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Infants born by cesarean section have different microbial communities in and on their bodies than those born vaginally, potentially increasing their risk of developing certain diseases, such as asthma and obesity. But a new study shows that vaginal microbiota transfer – exposing newborns to fluids from their mother’s vagina – may rectify these differences.

The study involved 68 infants born by cesarean section. Researchers swabbed the infants' skin with sterile gauze soaked in either the mother’s vaginal fluids or saline immediately after birth. They assessed the infants' neurodevelopment at three and six months of age and analyzed the microbial makeup of the infants' guts.

They found that infants who received vaginal microbiota transfer scored higher on neurodevelopment assessments than those who received saline. They also had healthier, more mature gut microbiomes – comparable to infants born vaginally.

These findings suggest that exposing infants born via cesarean section to their mother’s vaginal fluids promotes appropriate neurodevelopment and corrects alterations in gut microbial populations. Learn more about the importance of establishing a healthy microbiome early in life in this clip featuring Dr. Eran Elinav.

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