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Breathing is an essential and regular process that provides the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. But new research indicates that breathing influences brain function. People who breathed through their noses performed better on memory and emotional expression interpretation tests than when they breathed through their mouths.

Researchers investigated the relationship between breathing, the brain, and thinking. First, they conducted intracranial electroencephalograms (EEGs) to assess the effects of nasal versus oral breathing in eight people. Then they administered various tests to 107 healthy young people to determine the effects of nasal versus oral breathing on memory and the ability to interpret emotional expressions.

The intracranial EEGs revealed that when the participants breathed through their noses, their brainwaves in areas related to smell and emotions synchronized with their breathing patterns. However, breathing through their mouths diminished these effects. Similarly, when participants breathed through their noses, they performed better on memory tests. Interestingly, breathwork also influenced their ability to interpret emotional expressions. For example, their ability to interpret fear was faster during inhalation versus exhalation.

These findings suggest that breathing, especially nasal breathing, has more complex effects on the body than previously understood. They also highlight a novel means to improve cognitive function. Learn about other effects of breathing techniques in this clip featuring Wim Hof.

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