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From the article

The team found that social rank and rank uncertainty predicted key risk factors for poor health, specifically pro-inflammatory proteins (C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha) which are risk factors for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.


The researchers discovered that high ranking monkeys with low certainty of their social status showed higher markers of inflammation, which can be a sign of a chronic disease state such as diabetes, than those with very certain status. So high-ranking monkeys may experience some health risks, but only when their position is questionable and they are consequently at risk of losing their status.

The opposite pattern was found for low ranking monkeys – high dominance certainty was associated with higher markers of inflammation, whereas low certainty was associated with lower levels of inflammatory proteins. Monkeys that are uncertain in their low rank might have opportunities for upward mobility in the hierarchy, which may be associated with better health outcomes.

Vandeleest said the results of the study show that status uncertainty alone may be a risk factor for acute diseases. The results also indicate that uncertainty in status over longer periods in relationship to rank are related to chronic disease states as well.

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