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From the article:

Recent intervention studies also suggest that 9 to 12 months of intense exercise training may elevate serum Lp(a) levels. However, these changes are generally modest (10 to 15%) and, in most individuals, serum Lp(a) levels remain within the recommended range. It is unclear whether increased serum Lp(a) levels after intense exercise training are of clinical relevance, and whether certain Lp(a) isoforms are more sensitive to the effects of exercise training. Since elevation of both low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and Lp(a) levels in the blood exerts a synergistic effect on cardiovascular disease risk, attention should focus on changing lifestyle factors to decrease LDL-C (e.g. dietary intervention) and increase high density lipoprotein cholesterol (e.g. exercise) levels in the blood.

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