Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune neurodegenerative disorder that destroys myelin, the insulating layer that surrounds neurons. The causes of MS are complex and may arise from both genetic and environmental factors, including nutritional deficiencies. Research suggests that lifestyle modifications can lessen disease severity, however. In this Aliqout, Drs Valter Longo and Terry Wahls discuss dietary strategies that may improve symptoms of MS.
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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune neurodegenerative disorder that destroys myelin, the insulating layer that surrounds neurons. The causes of MS are complex and may arise from both genetic and environmental factors, including nutritional deficiencies. Research suggests that lifestyle modifications can lessen disease severity, however. In this Aliqout, Drs Valter Longo and Terry Wahls discuss dietary strategies that may improve symptoms of MS.
A fasting-mimicking diet clears autoimmune cells (Valter Longo discussion)
People with MS benefit from a fasting-mimicking diet
Vitamin D balances the immune system
Micronutrients treat mitochondrial dysfunction in MS (Terry Wahls discussion)
Green vegetables are a dense source of micronutrients
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