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Dr. Rhonda Patrick answers audience questions on various health, nutrition, and science topics in this Q&A session.
Rhonda's supplement routine as of February 2021.
Omega-3 dosing and the optimal EPA to DHA ratio.
Supplementation with the omega-3 EPA (4g/day) reduced cardiovascular-related diseases by 25% in people with high triglycerides taking statins in the REDUCE-IT study. 1
4 g/day of combined EPA and DHA can reduce patients' triglycerides by 30% 1
Risks of supplementations
Q: Is a big blood sugar spike once per day worse than many slower rises?
Q: What is the difference between antibodies created from a previous infection, and defenses created from a vaccine? Are vaccines superior to antibodies? Are antibodies one person creates for a virus the same as those another person creates? Can antibody donations be received without rejection issues? Can antibodies be cloned in a lab?
Q: What immediate dietary interventions can be taken if one suspects his one-year-old child has autism spectrum disorder?
Q: Supplements: what do you think of the claims of some companies that in order to increase the absorption of minerals you either need to take them in nanoparticle form or liposomal form?
Q: If access to saunas is limited what benefits would hot tubs have either post-exercise or in a rested state? Is there a specific frequency/duration/water temp?
Hot tub usage alone has been shown to improve blood pressure, blood circulation, diabetes, depression and sleep.
A 1 hour, 104 F hot tub bath burns an extra 140 calories and can increase heat shock proteins. 1
Update on the safety of NAD (NR, NMN) precursor supplementations in humans. 1
Q: Is there a difference in nutrition between chewing whole foods or drinking the same food in a smoothie?
Chewing does not stimulate release of pancreatic or stomach digestive enzymes. 1
One study found that consuming a meal blended increased satiety and decreased gastric emptying. 1
Rapid-fire questions
Q: What could be the reason for waking up regularly after only 3 or 4 hours and unable to go back to sleep?
Q: After the 14 day waiting period after the 2nd COVID vaccine, what is the likelihood that you may be able to be contagious to others who have not yet received the vaccine?
Clarifying specifics of vitamin K 2 dosage and formulations.
One cup of blueberries a day can improve symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Rhonda's thoughts on the MyDnaAge biological age test.
Q: Is taking vitamin D in liquid form better?
Are there studies showing that consuming expired pills or canned food can actually be bad for you.
Q: Can you let us know some of your favorite high polyphenol olive oils?
Q: You mentioned the use of banking placenta after birth. Is this still something worthwhile or did we develop something else since then?
Q: Interesting topic you had with quercetin as a senolytic. Can you speak to fisetin for this same purpose? Do you think it would be beneficial to take these with a fast, either leading up to one or after, during the rebuild phase? 1
Every month, Rhonda hosts a live chat with FoundMyFitness Premium Members.
Don't miss the next one.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses microdosing nicotine, GlyNac benefits, intermittent fasting and hair loss, and cold & flu relief.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses GLP-1 agonists, alpha-lipoic acid, ubiquinone vs. ubiquinol, calcium needs, and liquid biopsy cancer screening.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses _Akkermansia muciniphila_, vitamin B1's effect on blood sugar, emulsifiers in food, and electrolyte supplements.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses silicone safety, grounding, pentadecanoic acid, and the potential benefits of olive leaf extract and peptides.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick discusses her supplement stack, avoiding microplastics, creatine for brain health, and mRNA vaccine autoimmunity risks.