This episode will make a great companion for a long drive.
A blueprint for choosing the right fish oil supplement — filled with specific recommendations, guidelines for interpreting testing data, and dosage protocols.
Sleep patterns are dynamic, changing throughout a person's life, especially during infancy, when sleep evolves to facilitate learning. When an infant sleeps, not only do they process the facts of what they have experienced, but they form abstract notions of what those experiences mean and how they mess with other experiences. In this clip, Dr. Matthew Walker describes how napping facilitates and reinforces learning in infants.
Matt: With infants, you can teach them just these novel sounds, and each one of these strings of sounds is unique and different. But there's something common about the grammar that is binding and overarching across all of them. There is an overarching schema that you could learn in addition to each one of the individual facts.
After they've had a nap versus an infant that has not had a nap, post-nap, the infants have extracted and understood the generalized rules of what they've been learning, not just the individual facts. Whereas infants that have learned but haven't napped have not sort of made the abstraction.
Rhonda: So my being a nap nazi, I should be rewarded for that, right?
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